God under the Bedsheets Pleasure, Porn, and Piety among Iranian Revolutionary Women
Chapter 6 in Sex in the Middle East and North Africa, 2022: 113-130
Dr. Angel M. Foster & Dr Lisa Wynn (editors)
Download here: https://www.academia.edu/84294679/God_under_the_Bedsheets_Pleasure_Porn_and_Piety_among_Iranian_Revolutionary_Women
Chasing some bodies: Tracing the embodiment of female refugees in transnational settings and reading tales of their bodies
European Journal of Women's Studies, 2017, 25 (2): 183–197.
Download here: https://doi.org/10.1177/1350506816689749 Open Access
The bodies who tell stories: tracing Deleuzian becoming in the auto/biographies Iranian female refugees Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism, 2017, 38 (3): 205-219
Download here: https://doi.org/10.1080/01440357.2016.1267014 Open Access
Sex in the Middle East and North Africa examines the sexual practices, politics, and complexities of the modern Arab world. Short chapters feature a variety of experts in anthropology, sociology, health science, and cultural studies. Many of the chapters are based on original ethnographic and interview work with subjects involved in these practices and include their voices. The book is organized into three sections: Single and Dating, Engaged and Married, and It's Complicated. The allusion to categories of relationship status on social media is at once a nod to the compulsion to categorize, a recognition of the many ways that categorization is rarely straightforward, and an acknowledgment that much of the intimate lives described by the contributors is mediated by online technologies.
The way individuals embody their homeland has been addressed by several scholars. However, this article questions how female refugees embody transnational settings while seeking a new home and homeland. The tales of bodies are traced through the writings of three Iranian female refugees living in Europe. The article analyses their autobiographies through a critical reading of Thomas Csordas’s phenomenology of body–world relations and then diverges from him to draw inspiration from Deleuzian becoming. The study attempts to offer an anthropology of becoming to highlight how corporeality is the realm of bodies becoming.
The undercurrents of autobiographies can reveal more than just stories to their readers. The entanglement of authors and readers provokes the dialogic imagination and reproduces a text beyond the book. I ask how this entanglement can be addressed through notions of representation, subjectivity and embodiment. The article explores auto/biographies of two Iranian female refugees to trace the emergent process of their dialogic voices. Their voices are followed through their portrayal of body and home in transnational settings. I read their tales of desire and sorrow while departing from the Bakhtinian dialogic imagination to frame the narratives of embodiment and home in the mode of Deleuzian becoming.